graphic designer
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music packaging
creative packaging
branding & editorial
pósters & digital covers
magazines & collaborations
video / photography
om | ss
special artwork order . from SS to OM . collage . artwork .
Más trabajos en
Creatures. Beyond the human body
inhuman collage serie
Beyond the Broken Human | Collage Serie
om | ss
hand from nature | serie
| off c o n s t r u c t |
About forms and lines - abstract digital art
~ flngs ~
Cosmic Anatomy ( Re-edit 2015 )
End of Era
New anatomy
Forms symmetry
Anatomic Distorsion
Handmade Skateboard - Special edition - Collage
A c t r 3 s s - v.2
Cosmic portraits - digital collage
Universos paralelos - digital collage
St. Annit Höger , St. B.Florian.T and St. and Krakenda
From Cyberspace
Cosmic anatomy - digital collage
About lines and bodies >>> anatomy art
The man of the Planets
Marta & Guigo - custom illustration
Skate - Playground Store
Yar taurãri - Selfportrait
Viajeras espaciales - digitall collage
Memories of destruction
A c t r 3 s s
Calendario anatómico 2015
beyond human body